Different Religions In The World: Hinduism

Different Religions In The World: Hinduism

Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion that traced back to ancient times of Indus valley civilization. Hinduism is the third largest religion with estimated 1.1 Billion Followers in the world. According to one research in 2018, 94% followers of Hinduism are living in India. Hinduism oldest scripture is called Vedas that is one of the most sophisticated written scripture in ancient times. Currently many other Hindu scriptures are present such as Samhitas, Upanishads, Ramayana, and Bhagavad Gita. Hindu believe in multiple Gods and Goddesses and associate countless stories with them. Shiva and Vishnu are the primary deities in Hinduism. Hinduism had unique beliefs, practices and festivals. Hindu believe in reincarnation and the cycle of rebirth.