Different Religions In The World: Islam

Different Religions In The World: Islam

Islam is the second largest religion in the world. The believers of Islam are called Muslims. There are estimated 1.8 Billion Muslims in the whole world. There are many big Muslim populations living in many countries and along with that there are seven countries in the world that had 90% Muslim population and their official religion is Islam namely Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Pakistan. Islam is a monotheistic religion that believes that Allah is the main power behind the creation of Whole universe and Allah created every natural thing we see in the world. Muslims believe that Allah is omnipotent and he is controlling everything that is happening in the world and he sent prophets on his behalf and they lead mankind towards better life and Islam. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the last prophet of Allah, who was sent in Arabia. Muslim Scripture is the Holy Quran and Muslims believe that God reveal Quran verse by verse on Prophet Muhammad (PUBH). Islam had its own code of law that is called Sharia. Muslims have to fast for a whole month of Ramadan. Muslims believes on the final Day of Judgment where everyone will be answerable for their every deeds in Life and they will be sent to hell or heaven on the base of their bad and good deed respectively.