Oscar award winning movie #08:.
A 24 year old girl named Joy lives in a small room with no wall in it. She lives there with her son Jack who has never seen the outer world. The guy old nick kidnapped Joy 7 years ago and isolated her for seven years. Jack was Joy’s and Old Nick’s son. Joy tried to stay optimistic for Jack and told her that there is no other world than this room and all else just belongs to the TV. Old Nick would come and rape Joy every night while Jack would sit in the cupboard and wait for the Old Nick to go. Out of curiosity, one day Jack saw them and Nick beat him so bad. Nick got furious and cut all the power resources. Joy faked Jack’s fever and asked Nick to take him to the hospital. Instead Nick bought some antibiotics into the room. Next morning, Joy trained Jack for something. She told Nick that Jack died because of temperature. She wrapped his body in a carpet and sent it with Nick to bury him. On a stop, Jack unwrapped himself and sleeked help from a passerby. The Nick gets arrested and police finds Joy as well.